
Course IDCourse NameCredit HoursContact HoursCourse DescriptionCompleted?
COMC-115A+ Core Hardware Components33This course provides students with practical, hands-on experience in installing, configuring and upgrading hardware components. Topics include motherboards, processors, memory, printers, basic networking, as well as troubleshooting and preventive maintenance. This course is intended to assist students who are preparing for the CompTIA A+ Core Hardware exam which is one of two courses required to become A+ certified. 1
COMG-153Computers-A Practical Approach33This is a lecture/lab course to provide knowledge of the basic aspects of computers with emphasis on the growing impact of computers on society. Computer lab work will include the use of integrated software systems.1
COMI-160Introduction to Computer Info Systems33A lecture/lab course providing a survey of data processing and computers in business. Topics include computer hardware, computer arithmetic and codes, input/output devices, networking and Internet, business use of computers, application software, data classifications and structures, programming languages and societal/ethical implications of computers.1
COMI-169Supporting End Users33An introduction to supporting end users as help desk and desktop support technicians. Topics include help desk concepts, technical writing, training of end users, technical support methods via the web and face-to-face situations, basic troubleshooting of computer, network and printer errors.1
COMI-261Database Concepts44This course teaches the concepts of data base design, maintenance, and use. A current data base processor is used for student projects.1
COMI-264Systems Analysis and Design44This course is designed to give a basic knowledge of how computer information systems are developed and implemented. Topics include the systems development cycle and the various tools and techniques used by a systems analyst. A capstone project to apply systems development competencies is requires using advanced knowledge of a programming language.1
COMN-120Network Essentials33This course is designed to give students a broad overview of current terminology and technologies found in current networking environments. Topics include local and wide area networking, the OSI model, TCP/IP and network protocols, media architecture, and networking hardware. Network designs using various topologies and protocols as well as the basic concepts and approaches involved in maintaining and administering a network will also be addressed. This course will also help to prepare students for the CompTIA Network+ exam. 1
COMS-170Introduction to Programming44An introduction to computer programming using a common programming language. Developing program logic as well as the programming development process will be stressed. 1
COMS-171Introduction to C++44This course provides an introduction to programming techniques using the language C++.1
COMS-176Introduction to .NET Programming44This course provides an introduction to the .NET programming environment using a .NET language. Topics include syntax, input/output layout, testing, debugging, documentation, problem definition, loops, and decisions. Object oriented programming techniques are emphasized in this course.1
COMS-276Advanced .NET Programming33An advanced software development course covering syntax, input/output layout, testing, debugging, documentation, and user interface design using .NET framework. Heavy emphasis is placed on database driven applications. 1
COMS-280Advanced Programming in C++44This is a capstone programming course in which students will use C++ to develop programs of increasing size and difficulty. The course will assume that students understand programming concepts such as modularization, program flow and looping, functions and arrays. This course will continue with advanced data handling, dynamic data structures, and specific components of object- oriented programming, including classes. In addition, students will work together on team projects, simulating the work environment.1
COMW-100Introduction to Web Page Creation33Introduction to web page design using HTML, JavaScript, and other Internet development tools. Emphasis will be placed on understanding of formatting of pages, establishing links, HTML, and inclusion of JavaScript with images, graphics and sound. Students will use an editing program as well as create pages from HTML code. Web pages will be uploaded to the Internet and available on the World Wide Web.1
COMW-282Dynamic Web Applications33This course enables students to create dynamic web pages using client side and server side scripting languages. Topics covered include the object-oriented programming method, control structures, server-side scripting, and database interaction. Completed web pages will be uploaded to the Internet and available on the World Wide Web.1
ENGL-101English Composition 133In this course, students will develop an understanding of writing as a public act of communication, and will explore a range of rhetorical situations, writing for varying audiences and purposes. Students will gain familiarity with the conventions and framework of academic writing and use these structures to participate effectively in collge-level written discourse.1
ENGL-102English Composition 233This course builds on English 101. Students will continue to develop their understanding of writing as a public, rhetorical, audience-driven act, with an increased emphasis on analysis and composition of arguments. Students will learn to recognize and resist manipulative arguments and, in their own writing, to use ethical rhetorical strategies and credible evidence to reach a critically-thinking audience.1
MATH-120Intermediate Algebra44This course is intended for the student who has had one year of High School Algebra or Beginning Algebra. Topics include linear, rational and quadratic functions, system of equations, inequalities, polynomials, exponents, roots and radicals and logarithms.1
PSYC-281General Psychology33The scientific study of behavior and mental processes with special emphasis on research methods, biological basis of behavior, human development, learning and cognition, personality theories, cultural, environmental and interpersonal influences on behaviors, abnormal development, psychological disorders and therapeutic interventions.1